What is the difference between Niagara falls Boat Ride from USA and Canada Side ?

The most popular and thrilling attractions in Niagara Falls USA and Niagara Falls Canada are boat tours that take tourists on a thrill ride to see American Falls, Bridal Veil, and Horseshoe Falls – these three waterfalls that form Niagara Falls. Niagara falls boat ride is called Made of the Mist on the US side and Hornblower Niagara Cruises on the Canadian side. You can click on the hyperlinked words and book one of those trips with us! They both follow a similar route, going uphill on the Niagara River, passing American and Bridal Veil Falls, and then heading to Horseshoe Falls before returning to their respective docks. Often, the only thing that separates the two boats is the ponchos that tourists wear. Red ponchos are worn by passengers of horn blowers Niagara falls boat ride while passengers of the Mist wear blue ponchos. After all the passengers are aboard, the iconic Maid of the Mist begins its journey across the Niagara River. The boat first passes American an...